Euthanasie Stop -

... open euthanasia to children and to persons with dementia ?

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Euthanasie Stop > Why Euthanasia STOP ?

Why Euthanasia STOP ?

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The law decriminalizing euthanasia in Belgium was passed in May 2002. This law creates a framework for a patient to make a request for euthanasia and physician to access it, under certain conditions, without committing a criminal offense.

Today, new legislative proposals to extend the scope of the law for minors, the insane ... are being discussed in Parliament. Most political parties seem determined to see these proposals of enlargement lead to conclusion.

This enthusiasm is not shared by all citizens. Unfortunately, access to their traditional media is not always easy. This website is presented as a public expression space, open to all who wish to make a discordant voice.

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Who are we?

This site is a citizen's initiative, driven mainly by university professors, lawyers and health professionals, from all over the country and various philosophical backgrounds.

Albert GUIGUI, Grand Rabbin de Bruxelles

Broeder René STOCKMAN, Generaal Overste der Broeders van Liefde (Gent)

Prof Yacob MAHI, Islamologue, Bruxelles

Mr Brahim BOUHNA, Imam, Bruxelles

Chanoine Eric DE BEUKELAER, Liège

Prof Olivier BONNEWIJN, IET, Bruxelles

Prof Jean-Michel COUNET, UCL

Prof Herman DE DIJN, KULeuven

Prof Paul-Augustin DEPROOST, UCL

Prof Timothy DEVOS, KULeuven

Prof ém. Philippe de WOOT, UCL

Prof ém. Xavier DIJON, UNamur

Prof Michel GHINS, UCL

Prof Lambert ISEBAERT, UCL

Prof Dominique LAMBERT, UNamur

Prof Chantal LEFEBVRE, médecine interne, UCL

Prof Stanley LUTTS, UCL

Prof Etienne MONTERO, UNamur

Prof Alexandre PERSU, UCL

Prof Laura RIZZERIO, UNamur

Prof ém. Henri SIMONART, UCL

Dr Bernard ARS, Bruxelles

Dr Philippe BALLAUX, Gent

Dr Benoît BEUSELINCK, oncoloog, KULeuven

Dr. med. Steven BIESEMAN, Leuven

Dr Georges CASTEUR, Oostende

Dr Isabelle DE BOCK, spécialiste en soins palliatifs, Bruxelles

Dr Christine de MONTPELIER, médecin pédiatre, Bruxelles

Dr Cécile DENEYER, médecin généraliste, Bruxelles

Dr Paul DESCHEPPER, Leuven

Dr.J.C.DEVOGHEL,dir.hon.Centre de la Douleur,CHU,Liège

Dr André DEVOS, Knokke

Dr Catherine DOPCHIE, oncologue, Tournai

Dr Thierry FOBE, médecin généraliste, Bruxelles

Dr Marie FRINGS, spécialiste en soins palliatifs

Dr Chantal KORTMANN, Leuven

Dr Thierry LETHE, médecin généraliste, Bruxelles

Dr. sc. Tom MORTIER, Leuven

Dr Georges OTTE, neuropsychiater, Gent

Dr Karine PEDERSEN, neurologue, Bruxelles

Eric VERMEER, éthicien soins palliatifs, Namur

Fernand KEULENEER, advocaat, Brussel

Philippe MARISSIAUX, Magistrat honoraire

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