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New group launched in Europe to oppose euthanasiadebate

Posted on 2013/11/19 at 4h36

Michael Cook

Concern about the steady expansion of the boundaries of euthanasia in Belgium is growing. The Belgian parliament is currently considering whether to extend the right to euthanasia to children and the demented, sparking considerable debate on the issue locally and overseas. One response has been the formation of Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Europe. The coordinator, a Welsh disability activist, Kevin Fitzpatrick, says:

"The UK, France and Germany are currently considering legislation, but overwhelming evidence from jurisdictions where euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide is legal, such as Belgium and the Netherlands, demonstrates beyond doubt, how quickly and easily euthanasia is extended to others, especially disabled people and elderly people. High-profile cases here have provoked international outrage leading commentators to think of Belgium as the new world leader in exploiting euthanasia against those with disabilities and mental health issues....

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Euthanasia for children is wrong

Posted on 2013/11/15 at 1h37

In the Press

Belgium is mooting an unprecedented law that would allow the voluntary euthanasia of children.

Voluntary euthanasia is intentionally ending a life at the request of the patient. It is lawful, on various differing grounds, in several jurisdictions, including Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg...

read « Euthanasia for children is wrong »


Posted on 2013/11/12 at 6h28


Dr. Patrick Cras, a neurologist at the University of Antwerp, said people with dementia often change their minds about wanting to die.

"They may turn into different people and may not have the same feelings about wanting to die as when they were fully competent," he said. "I don't see myself killing another person if he or she isn't really aware of exactly what's happening simply on the basis of a previous written request (to have euthanasia). I haven't fully made up my mind but I think this is going too far....

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