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Euthanasie Stop > Who are we to decide the life or death of another person?

Who are we to decide the life or death of another person?

Posted on 2013/06/14 at 11h03

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Prof.Genetic Cancer, UCL

Who are we to decide the life or death of another person, too weak, too fragile, too limited by his mental capacities and/or physical capabilities?

How can we, despite the recognition of the loss of dignity of a life, decide to end prematurely a life of which we see only the tip of the iceberg?

How can we know that another is ready to accept the end of his or her life?

How can we see objectively what feel as a consolation to this person profoundly altered in his body or mind, and who provokes within us our own fears of someday facing the same situation?

What confidence do we give to life, with its extraordinary capacity of adaptability, its personal voyage, its affectionate relations, its power of love, when we relegate to the medical corps the relief of the most violent suffering?

Isn't it necessary a whole life of joy, sadness, meetings, difficulties, varied experiences, suffering and hope to attempt to answer these questions?

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