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Euthanasie Stop > When the child does not possess "judgment capacity", his/her parents may request eu...

When the child does not possess "judgment capacity", his/her parents may request euthanasia

Posted on 2013/04/30 at 4h00

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This sentence,from the proposal No. 5-1610/1 (pg2), raises in me a lot of questions. And I say to myself, reading this, that both for the parents and the child, the choice must be very painful.

In considering the matter from the point of view of the child, I even think that the choice by his parents must be crucifying. What is a suffering child to expect from his parents, his dad, his mom, if not love, affection? When we are sick, when we suffer, what do we wish other than to cling to the hope of healing? How will parents announce their decision to the child who "does not have judgment capacity? How will they take leave from the child they've entrusted the care of death?

Won't this choice always be made with deep regret? Who could make this choice on behalf of his child, tell this to him, and then leave and continue to live his life with a rested soul? Is this still a choice that parents make with a clear conscience for the sake of the child? What do parents really know about death's true nature?

Let us be clear, the thought of suffering disgusts me, and disgusts me even more when it comes to children, people in vulnerable positions, etc.. This does not preclude that I cannot understand how someone can tell his child, not so much that he will die, but that "we have asked you to be killed." The first announcement is already very painful, but telling one's child the second, is almost unbearable to mention!

You see, the point I mentioned here does not concern the reason why one should request euthanasia, it concerns the honesty of these reasons, their truthfulness: so unreal is the idea of ​​saying this to one's child. So, will parents talk about the choice to the child, or will this stay hidden? Will they say, "My baby, we love you so much that we cannot bear to see you suffer any longer, we decided to entrust you to death ..." It is obvious they will not say this. They suffer enough already having to make this choice of ultimate love. And let's face it, it must be one way or another traumatic for a child to hear this from parents who gave him life ... But if so parents suffer from such a choice, and if they keep this choice hidden , is it really a choice with which they are at peace? Truly a hidden choice, then? Will they say goodbye to their child while he/she expects to see them when he/she wakes?

As for the doctor, dare he/she say to parents: "You know, your child is suffering so much, maybe you should consider euthanasia."

And if the parents refuse to consider the matter, will he say: "It's for his own good, it is your duty to protect, to comfort, to release this pain he has not chosen. " Will that pressure gradually be applied to them, until they take the decision?

In the beginning euthanasia was meant to allow one to dispose of his life as an ultimate right conquered by man: to control his life until death.

Now and quietly, euthanasia passes into the hands of third parties on behalf of a truly paradoxical freedom ...

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